Watch our films – Animation

Our films

Although all tasks are unique and the experience is broad and long-standing, Citizen Dane has come to specialize in specific production genres throughout the years. Please have a look at them in the tabs belove – or use the search engine.


Citizen Dane has an extensive experience in using animations to clarify messages in films. We have made animated films for companies such as Maersk, ISS, Ørsted, Vestas and Carlsberg – and we design new characters for each customer.

Call or Write for a meeting

You can also send an SMS to +45 20 75 60 96

Klaus Schiang-Franck

Creative Manager / CEO

Write Klaus

+45 33 63 73 01

Marcus Mandal


Write Marcus
+45 33 63 73 02

Jan Heidebo


Write Jan

+45 33 63 73 00

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